
Komm zurück in die Arme des liebenden Vaters 

We are glad that you are here.

Maybe you are looking for the answers to important questions about life and its sense.
Find answers to your questions!
It’s great you are right here, no matter what you have experienced so far.
God's heart beats for you!
On the other pages we would like to invite you to the journey to God's heart.

The greatest gift of God is the gift of love, life and light.

Your heavenly Father loves you more,
that's why he sent his Son
Jesus Christ as light and hope into this world to save you and me.
Not to judge, but to free us from the darkness
and give us a new life.
He wants to be your Savior and your faithful companion, if
you accept this gift of new life and invite Jesus into your life.
Start over with God by your side!
Open God's gift for your life: eternal grace and truth, love and light,
joy and peace in the Holy Spirit.
Give God your darkness and guilt, repent and confess your mistakes.
Let the true gift of hope, confidence and comfort  
be revealed to you from God himself!



"If you seek me, you will find me."
"Yes, if you seek me with all my heart, I will let you find me."
(Jeremiah 29: 13-14, Bible)

We were seeking God from our hearts and  found him.

This precious treasure we would like to share with you

will change your life for better.

Get on your personal path.
It is the most exciting trip you'll ever experience!

Start here
or go through the page navigation.

 Look for FAQ

Please contact us and tell us your story. We are really happy to hear from you and pray for you!

